About Karleen

How Do We Get Here?
All sessions and course that I offer are designed to enable you to claim your inner sovereignty as a being and aid in enabling you to come home to yourself.
They are not healing in a conventional sense, but guidance back to yourself under the premise that as a sovereign soul connected to source you already know everything there is to know about you.
They are designed to allow space for you to find your own answers and give you tools and techniques to assist self inquiry and self-healing enabling you to come to new understandings of your individuated expression as a being and take your power back.
We all have the ability to heal ourselves, sometimes we just need to be asked the right question in order to find what is holding us back or interfering with our lives.
They uphold your sovereign autarchay of choice at all times
My History
Having started this life with memories of past live and deaths I was lucky that my mother had the understanding to guide me through my formative years.
My mother was a platform medium and I spent most of my early childhood attending spiritualist churches and going to psychic development circles with her and others including the famous British medium Doris Stokes.
I was raised a spiritualist and studied Eckinkar (a system of Astral Projection and Out of Body Experience) from a very early age.
My journey with my abilities started at the age of 5 , when I began meditation and colour healing.
I had my first past life memory aged 3.
By the age of 8 I was practicing psychic surgery, removing and clearing obstructions both energetic and physical including my mothers gallstones that didn't require open surgery.
At the age of 11 I decided that I would need to gain world experience, if I were to understand what people needed to resolve in themselves to truly heal and fulfill their potential. So I walked away from any form of spiritual practice to have an 'Ordinary' life. I didn't expect that 'Ordinary' life to be filled with 5 children or to have to heal myself of physical, sexual , mental, emotional abuse and past life trauma but as they say......
"Healer , Heal thyself"
In early 2000 I became a Reiki Master and my journey continued, since then I have studied many forms of energy re-patterning techniques, all of which have served as reminders of my innate abilities and added a wealth of understanding of what is helpful and where some of the spiritual pitfalls may be.
Around this time I traveled to Nepal & Sikkim on a quest to find the origins of hands on healing.
I had audience with many Tibetan Rinpoche's and Lama's on this journey and was offered a 3 year studentship under His Eminence Dinchen Rinpoche at Mungpu Monstery Darjeeling after being put on trial by him to ascertain whether having been born with Sidhe's I was a Reincarnate Rinpoche.
Being recognized is not something that is just handed out, 3 years is the minimum studentship as it takes that time to assess and there are processes of formal examination and recognition to undergo.
In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition ultimately the only people that can recognize an enlightened being and ascertain who they were in their previous incarnation are His Holiness and The Panchen Lama.
Therefore, I cannot claim to be recognized as an Enlightened being, or a Rinpoche, even though
I may have past life memories and was born with Sidhe's as I have not completed the process.
I did not take up this offer at the time as having 3 small children at home my duty as a mother superseded my own spiritual self-exploration.
My life experience has been very diverse not just spiritually and I have had some out of the ordinary experiences from being personally involved with those within special forces,, adventurer's, the justice system,, prison system, hospitals, mental health and end of life care, I've been a P.R/P.A for bands in the music industry, worked in a charity and in CIC's,, All alongside raising 5 neuro-diverse children.
4 living as my eldest Son died in 2016.
It has been an incredible life.
I have found through my life it is wiser to speak only of what we know through personal experience as anything else is merely a theory of possibilities any of which may be correct.,we can only know what we know through living it.
My personal studies have included Reiki , Buddhist Hands on Healing Techniques, Crystal Healing, Past Life Regression, Soul Retrieval, Contract Resolution and Removal, Earth Healing, Lemurian/Lumerian Healing Techniques. Quantum Physics, Genetics, Epigenetics and Heredity.
I have a Level 3 Diploma in Playgroup Practice, am an NVQ Assessor in Childcare and Education with
D32/,D33 .
I was a College Lecturer on both NVQ & NNEB courses and have run multiple Education Otherwise groups for Home Educated children ages 5-18.
I have over recent years come to realize the potential within our DNA and that healing our templates back to their original design can enable us to remember who we are and our purpose for being Here On Earth Now.
I have re-gained the ability to see multi-dimensional DNA and assist people in removing interference patterns, DNA reversals, seals, blood lineage and epi-genetic patterns to assist in unlocking the innate inner knowing of each individual to self actualize and realize their potential as an expression of their own divinity.