Free Techniques
We could all do with a little more love in our lives but Self Love is something that we may not know how to do.
The lack of love we have experienced as a child can often leave us in various modes of behaviour from people pleasing to hostility as we cannot trust those around us to nurture our needs. or provide the love we assume is a given so we hold back, put on a show or give away in the hope that someone else will fulfill us where we feel we can't.
At some point in our personal development journey we may come to realize the only one to fix our lack of love is ourselves but how do we gain this feeling of love from within?
These techniques are designed to assist with self love and knowing which levels of our being we are loving ourselves from, we may love ourselves mentally and think that is loving ourselves ' of course I do' but what about emotionally, etherically or physically do we love those aspects of ourselves too?
Too often many in the 'spiritual' community make generalizations 'Love yourself more' or' Self Love First',
'You can't love anybody else if you can't love yourself' etc without looking at what that actually means or showing How we can achieve something we may have no reference for as we have not experienced it yet.
I hope these will aid you in loving yourself more .
When we feel we have suffered at the hands of others or that others have suffered at ours .
We often get caught in Victim / Victimizer games of polarity and incorporate feelings of blame , shame guilt and regret within our body and energy field.
These Exercises are designed to give you a different outlook and release stuck thinking and feeling of a one-sided nature within the polarity drama we are in.
They aid in cultivating compassion towards others and ourselves as we realize we may have played both, when we get stuck in one mode of thinking or feeling it disconnects us from our compassion either towards others or towards ourselves creating charge in our emotions, often disabling our ability to choose how to act in the moment and whether we will engage in V/V games to repeat playing the role for one another.
we often repeat the patterns we are most comfortable with and take the roles we are more accustomed to what side of the coin you take depends on what you filter your experiences through and brings more of the same set of circumstances as we carry polarity within us and project it outside.
Releasing the charge of it's all one way gives us a chance to choose how we respond, giving us the opportunity to create better outcomes and to choose whether we play the game at all.
These templates are to aid you with personal healing for specific conditions and the beliefs you may have surrounding issues that have arisen in your life.
Each one is a self exploration asking yourself questions in a call and response scenario,
Each one of us knows from our core essence everything there is to know about us, but we either shut our inner self knowing down and bypass our truth, we do not know how to self -study or know what questions to ask ourselves.
I have found over the years everyone wants to claim to KNOW everything , but fails to know how to disect themselves through self study. These are templates only and may not be comprehensive for all situations .
Feel free to change them , modify them and add anything else that comes to you as you work through your own inner tuition.